Terminator on Ubuntu Linux
March 16, 2020
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Increase productivity working with multiple terminals on Ubuntu Linux.
The day to day life of programmers demands working a lot with terminal or command line especially when working on linux environments. While creating new angular projects, npm commands, vpn connections, doker containers etc. all require a lot of terminal windows to be open all at once.
one such utility which promises to simplify handling multiple terminal windows is ‘terminator’. In following short video we have covered how to setup terminator on ubuntu 18 and use some of its popular features.
More information :-
Introduction and installation page : gnometerminator.blogspot.com/...
Commonly used keyboard shortcuts :
Alt+l(small L) - to select/change layout
Ctrl+Shift+O - Split terminals horizontally
Ctrl+Shift+E - Split terminals vertically
Ctrl+Shift+W - Closes current termina
Ctrl+Shift+T - Open new tab
Ctrl+Plus (+) - Increase font size (use Shift key if required)
Ctrl+Minus (-) - Decrease font size (use Shift key if required)
Ctrl+Zero (0) - Restore font size
Alt+Up/Left/Right/Down: Highlight terminal in selected direction
To make chosen layout as default - edit the following file and delete default layout and rename your chosen layout name as ‘default’ watch video for more on this. (here we are using gedit; you can use vim or any other text editor as well)
gedit ~/.config/terminator/config